The measure model represents a measure in Falcon.
id | integer The id of the measure. |
hash | string The unique hash of the measure. |
name | string The name of the measure. |
description | string The description of the measure. |
targets | string The targets of the measure. |
assumptions | string The assumptions of the measure. |
miscellaneous | string The miscellaneous of the measure. |
paused | boolean The paused flag of the measure. |
locked | boolean The locked flag of the measure. |
guarded | boolean The guarded flag of the measure. |
created_time | string <date-time> The created time of the measure. |
modified_time | string <date-time> The modified time of the measure. |
modified_user_time | string <date-time> The modified user time of the measure. |
activities_count | integer The number of activities of the measure. |
model | string The measure model. |
object (MeasurePackage) The measure package of the measure. | |
object or null (MeasureSchedule) The schedule of the measure. | |
object or null (MeasureWorkflowPhase) The workflow phase of the measure. | |
object or null (BudgetingItem) The budgeting item of the measure. | |
object or null (User) The responsible user of the measure. | |
object or null (User) The strategic user of the measure. | |
object (User) The created user of the measure. | |
object (User) The modified user of the measure. | |
Array of objects (Tag) The tags of the measure. |
{- "id": 1,
- "hash": "44cba34d99e5820438bada1ba117d3e61bd70082",
- "name": "Inventory reduction",
- "description": "Different analyses of stock movements, stock levels and the relevant business processes are to be used to identify potentials for reducing stock levels. By selecting the best possible procurement strategy and calculating the optimum inventory level, the stock level is to be reduced sustainably by 50 percent while maintaining delivery capability. The reduced capital commitment in the warehouse and the logistics space gained now facilitate the planned expansion of the company into new markets.",
- "targets": null,
- "assumptions": null,
- "miscellaneous": null,
- "paused": false,
- "locked": false,
- "guarded": false,
- "created_time": "2022-06-27T09:48:06.000000Z",
- "modified_time": "2022-06-27T09:48:06.000000Z",
- "modified_user_time": "2022-06-27T09:48:06.000000Z",
- "activities_count": 5,
- "umask": 4,
- "model": "Measure",
- "measure_package": {
- "id": 1,
- "hash": "7ce83d4d4d933305a5410a7311a6a6f133f37dd5",
- "name": "Working Capital",
- "model": "MeasurePackage",
- "project": {
- "id": 1,
- "hash": "583bf59445f18e7bf566020aa8134ddfa7c79113",
- "name": "Phoenix",
- "model": "Project",
- "program": {
- "id": 1,
- "hash": "1650600bd010a50897b50572382460965fed588a",
- "name": "Airborne",
- "model": "Program"
}, - "measure_schedule": {
- "id": 1,
- "start_time_plan_min": "2022-06-28",
- "start_time_plan_max": "2022-07-21",
- "start_time_plan_activities_count": 4,
- "start_time_actual_min": "2022-07-06",
- "start_time_actual_max": "2022-07-21",
- "start_time_actual_activities_count": 4,
- "start_time_delta_ahead_sum": null,
- "start_time_delta_ahead_min": null,
- "start_time_delta_ahead_max": null,
- "start_time_delta_ahead_avg": null,
- "start_time_delta_ahead_activities_count": null,
- "start_time_delta_ahead_open_activities_count": null,
- "start_time_delta_ahead_running_activities_count": null,
- "start_time_delta_ahead_finished_activities_count": null,
- "start_time_delta_delayed_sum": 30,
- "start_time_delta_delayed_min": 8,
- "start_time_delta_delayed_max": 14,
- "start_time_delta_delayed_avg": 10,
- "start_time_delta_delayed_activities_count": 3,
- "start_time_delta_delayed_open_activities_count": 2,
- "start_time_delta_delayed_running_activities_count": 1,
- "start_time_delta_delayed_finished_activities_count": 0,
- "start_time_score_sum": 3,
- "start_time_score_activities_count": 4,
- "start_time_score_achievement": 25,
- "start_time_traffic_light": 3,
- "end_time_plan_min": "2022-07-05",
- "end_time_plan_max": "2022-07-24",
- "end_time_plan_activities_count": 4,
- "end_time_actual_min": "2022-07-06",
- "end_time_actual_max": "2022-07-21",
- "end_time_actual_activities_count": 4,
- "end_time_delta_ahead_sum": 3,
- "end_time_delta_ahead_min": 3,
- "end_time_delta_ahead_max": 3,
- "end_time_delta_ahead_avg": 3,
- "end_time_delta_ahead_activities_count": 1,
- "end_time_delta_ahead_open_activities_count": 1,
- "end_time_delta_ahead_running_activities_count": 0,
- "end_time_delta_ahead_finished_activities_count": 0,
- "end_time_delta_delayed_sum": 24,
- "end_time_delta_delayed_min": 9,
- "end_time_delta_delayed_max": 15,
- "end_time_delta_delayed_avg": 12,
- "end_time_delta_delayed_activities_count": 2,
- "end_time_delta_delayed_open_activities_count": 1,
- "end_time_delta_delayed_running_activities_count": 1,
- "end_time_delta_delayed_finished_activities_count": 0,
- "end_time_score_sum": 6,
- "end_time_score_activities_count": 4,
- "end_time_score_achievement": 50,
- "end_time_traffic_light": 3,
- "activities_count": 4,
- "open_activities_count": 3,
- "running_activities_count": 1,
- "finished_activities_count": 0,
- "created_time": "2022-06-27T09:48:06.000000Z",
- "modified_time": "2022-07-20T00:00:30.000000Z",
- "modified_user_time": "2022-07-19T14:05:27.000000Z",
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- "elapsed_actual": 65.59374,
- "start_time_plan_past": true,
- "start_time_actual_past": true,
- "end_time_plan_past": false,
- "end_time_actual_past": false,
- "status": 1,
- "open_activities_percentage": 75,
- "running_activities_percentage": 25,
- "finished_activities_percentage": 0,
- "model": "MeasureSchedule"
}, - "measure_workflow_phase": {
- "id": 1,
- "hash": "b48f276c9619ae0e9e12ec430f31a2c5d2cd0348",
- "start_time_plan": null,
- "start_time_actual": null,
- "start_time_actual_started": "2022-06-27T09:48:06.000000Z",
- "start_time_actual_overwritten": null,
- "start_time_delta": null,
- "start_time_traffic_light": null,
- "created_time": "2022-06-27T09:48:06.000000Z",
- "modified_time": "2022-06-27T09:48:06.000000Z",
- "modified_user_time": "2022-06-27T09:48:06.000000Z",
- "status": 1,
- "start_time_plan_past": false,
- "start_time_actual_past": false,
- "model": "MeasureWorkflowPhase",
- "workflow_phase": {
- "id": 3,
- "hash": "865a4c80e8805bcb87ec2425e5496a7dc21b1cae",
- "position": 3,
- "name": "DOI3",
- "summary": "Evaluated and in implementation",
- "umask": 2,
- "created_time": "2022-06-27T09:48:06.000000Z",
- "modified_time": "2022-06-27T09:48:06.000000Z",
- "modified_user_time": "2022-06-27T09:48:06.000000Z",
- "model": "WorkflowPhase"
}, - "budgeting_item": {
- "id": 4,
- "hash": "97d5838214093dfa617fcbdfb3d432b52e727959",
- "position": 4,
- "operand": 4,
- "name": "Inventory",
- "unit": 1,
- "factor": 1,
- "decimals": 1,
- "suffix": "",
- "period_type": 1,
- "aggregation_type_horizontal": 1,
- "aggregation_type_vertical": 1,
- "target_type": 1,
- "threshold_yellow": 90,
- "threshold_red": 70,
- "created_time": "2022-06-27T09:48:06.000000Z",
- "modified_time": "2022-06-27T09:48:06.000000Z",
- "modified_user_time": "2022-06-27T09:48:06.000000Z",
- "format": "€",
- "model": "BudgetingItem"
}, - "responsible_user": {
- "id": 1,
- "hash": "8db560a23013ff54838d45e59a3f3f39f6720c86",
- "name": "Olli Kahn",
- "first_name": "Olli",
- "last_name": "Kahn",
- "position": "CEO",
- "department": "Engine room",
- "organization": "Nordantech",
- "email": "",
- "status": 1,
- "created_time": "2022-05-04T16:51:37.000000Z",
- "modified_time": "2022-05-23T12:18:17.000000Z",
- "modified_user_time": "2022-05-23T12:18:17.000000Z",
- "model": "User"
}, - "strategic_user": {
- "id": 1,
- "hash": "8db560a23013ff54838d45e59a3f3f39f6720c86",
- "name": "Olli Kahn",
- "first_name": "Olli",
- "last_name": "Kahn",
- "position": "CEO",
- "department": "Engine room",
- "organization": "Nordantech",
- "email": "",
- "status": 1,
- "created_time": "2022-05-04T16:51:37.000000Z",
- "modified_time": "2022-05-23T12:18:17.000000Z",
- "modified_user_time": "2022-05-23T12:18:17.000000Z",
- "model": "User"
}, - "created_user": {
- "id": 1,
- "hash": "8db560a23013ff54838d45e59a3f3f39f6720c86",
- "name": "Olli Kahn",
- "first_name": "Olli",
- "last_name": "Kahn",
- "position": "CEO",
- "department": "Engine room",
- "organization": "Nordantech",
- "email": "",
- "status": 1,
- "created_time": "2022-05-04T16:51:37.000000Z",
- "modified_time": "2022-05-23T12:18:17.000000Z",
- "modified_user_time": "2022-05-23T12:18:17.000000Z",
- "model": "User"
}, - "modified_user": {
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- "hash": "8db560a23013ff54838d45e59a3f3f39f6720c86",
- "name": "Olli Kahn",
- "first_name": "Olli",
- "last_name": "Kahn",
- "position": "CEO",
- "department": "Engine room",
- "organization": "Nordantech",
- "email": "",
- "status": 1,
- "created_time": "2022-05-04T16:51:37.000000Z",
- "modified_time": "2022-05-23T12:18:17.000000Z",
- "modified_user_time": "2022-05-23T12:18:17.000000Z",
- "model": "User"
}, - "tags": [
- {
- "id": 297,
- "hash": "656653861b3fcf781bf9994e8ae85bd3d4346a2a",
- "name": "Inventory",
- "color": null,
- "created_time": "2022-07-22T09:59:26.000000Z",
- "modified_time": "2022-07-22T09:59:26.000000Z",
- "modified_user_time": "2022-07-22T09:59:26.000000Z",
- "model": "Tag"