Authenticate a user with a password or token.
A JSON object containing authentication information.
Successful operation
Unprocessable Content
{- "user": "",
- "password": "WoWar1chUnsicher?"
{- "success": true,
- "hash": "b3f7d7d89e16142144126daff5ad0d9522542005",
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- "email": "",
- "password_type": 3,
- "password_modified_time": "2022-06-27T09:48:05.000000Z",
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- "name": "Nordantech",
- "type": 0,
- "expiration_time": "2023-06-03T23:59:59.000000Z",
- "remaining_days": 355,
- "remaining_time": "355 days",
- "model": "Hub"
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- "id": 2,
- "hash": "9f7c05fde1b7740a7dae3cc605ac360c796eb2c4",
- "name": "Falcon",
- "type": 0,
- "expiration_time": "2022-07-13T23:59:59.000000Z",
- "remaining_days": 30,
- "remaining_time": "30 days",
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- "office_preview": true,
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- "password_age": 0,
- "session_limit": 3
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- "expiration_time": "2022-06-30T23:59:59.000000Z",
- "remaining_days": 30,
- "remaining_time": "30 Tage",
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- "hash": "25e0e7d4a5167e0c7ff19471f767fbf77a87623f",
- "model": "UserSession"
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Authenticate the current user using a login code.
Successful operation
Unprocessable Content
{- "code": "013120"
{- "success": true,
- "hash": "b3f7d7d89e16142144126daff5ad0d9522542005",
- "data": {
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- "last_name": "Kahn",
- "email": "",
- "password_type": 3,
- "password_modified_time": "2022-06-27T09:48:05.000000Z",
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- "locale": 1,
- "statefulness": true
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- "terms_confirmation": false,
- "status": 1,
- "model": "User",
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- "remaining_time": "355 days",
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- "login_confirmation_channel": 1,
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- "session_limit": 3
}, - "type": 0,
- "expiration_time": "2022-06-30T23:59:59.000000Z",
- "remaining_days": 30,
- "remaining_time": "30 Tage",
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- "id": 54906,
- "hash": "25e0e7d4a5167e0c7ff19471f767fbf77a87623f",
- "model": "UserSession"
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Authenticate the change of the authenticated hub.
Successful operation
{- "success": true,
- "hash": "fe1a21dc09531b90a716b24338cc0d41f2160ebe",
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Authenticate a user impersionation for the authenticated hub.
Successful operation
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Authenticate a link verification.
Successful operation
{- "success": true,
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Initiate a mulit factor authentication recovery for a user.
Successful operation
Unprocessable Content
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- "hash": "97d170e1550eee4afc0af065b78cda302a97674c",
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- "timestamp": 1710437656773
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Invalidate the authenticated user impersonation.
Successful operation
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Authenticate an identity for a given provider type.
Successful operation
Unprocessable Content
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- "message": "The given data was invalid.",
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- "The state field is required."
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Initialize the provider state for oauth authentication.
Successful operation
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