Create a new hub.
Successful operation
Unprocessable Content
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Get all hubs of the authenticated user.
Successful operation
Not Found
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Update the current hub.
A JSON object containing hub information.
Successful operation
Not Found
Unprocessable Content
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Upload an image.
A JSON object containing image information.
Successful operation
Unprocessable Content
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- "organization": "Nordantech",
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Get the stats for the authenticated hub.
Successful operation
Not Found
{- "success": true,
- "hash": "906ce128dea490ce983fe0dd4ac6179791c85fcb",
- "data": {
- "start_time": "2023-08-01T00:00:00.000000Z",
- "end_time": "2024-09-20T00:00:00.000000Z"
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Export a hub for an export type.
A JSON object containing hub export information.
Successful operation
Not Found
Unprocessable Content
{- "file_type": 3
{- "success": true,
- "hash": "8739602554c7f3241958e3cc9b57fdecb474d508",
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- "timestamp": 1653656536595